Detalles del libro
Open the safe deposit box. Inside you will find research material for a true crime book. You must read the documents, then make a decision. Will you destroy them? Or will you take them to the police?Everyone knows the sad story of the Alperton Angels: the cult who brainwashed a teenage girl and convinced her that her newborn baby was the anti-Christ. Believing they had a divine mission to kill the infant, they were only stopped when the girl came to her senses and called the police. The Angels c...
- Autor/es Hallett, Janice
- ISBN13 9781800810440
- ISBN10 180081044X
- Páginas 495
- Año de Edición 2007
- Idioma Inglés
The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels (Inglés)
- De
- Janice Hallett
- |
- PROFILE (2007)
- 9781800810440
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