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There's A Little Snowman In Your Book

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A brand-new series of novelty board books from bestselling author Tom Fletcher!OH LOOK - it's snowing!Shall we build a Snowman?Tap, slide, and jiggle the pages to build a spectacular Snowman and use your magic to bring it to life - with some familiar faces from the Who's In Your Book series helping along the way!Toddlers will love this interactive board book, full of fun novelties that encourage curiosity and exploration and a gentle narrative that is perfect to read aloud. More Who's in Your Bo...

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  • Encuadernación Tapa dura
  • Autor/es Fletcher, Tom
  • ISBN13 9780241466674
  • ISBN10 0241466679
  • Páginas 12
  • Año de Edición 2024
  • Idioma Inglés
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There's A Little Snowman In Your Book

There's A Little Snowman In Your Book (Inglés)

11,40€ 12,00€ -5%
11,40€ 12,00€ -5%

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