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There's a Wolf in Your Book

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Help defeat the Big Bad Wolf in this interactive tale from Tom Fletcher - an extended edition of the bestselling World Book Day story! LOOK! Who's that in your book?It's Monster, Dragon, Alien, and Witch. And... WOW! They have made you a book! A book inside your book! Shall we read it together?Explore this interactive adventure and help the friends as they try and get rid of the BIG BAD WOLF that has taken over their book! This engaging and playful story is a true celebration of reading, perform...

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  • Autor/es Fletcher, Tom
  • ISBN13 9780241591376
  • ISBN10 0241591376
  • Año de Edición 2024
There's a Wolf in Your Book

There's a Wolf in Your Book

11,02€ 11,60€ -5%
11,02€ 11,60€ -5%

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