Detalles del libro
Bring on the merriment whenever you open this collection of Shakespeare?s entertaining comedies.The comedies of William Shakespeare?including The Tempest, The Comedy of Errors, A Midsummer Night?s Dream, and As You Like It?have entertained readers and theatergoers for centuries. This elegant Word Cloud edition of William Shakespeare Comedies includes all fourteen of the Bard?s comedies in a single volume so readers can revisit their favorite plays and passages with ease....
- Autor/es Shakespeare, William
- ISBN13 9781645171546
- ISBN10 164517154X
- Páginas 648
- Año de Edición 2019
- Idioma Inglés
William Shakespeare Comedies (Word Cloud Classics) (Inglés)
- De
- William Shakespeare
- |
- Simon & Schuster UK (2019)
- 9781645171546
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